According to the QAB Policy, the Bureau is mandated to perform the following core functions:
To facilitate implementation of the above mandate and as contained in the Quality Assurance Policy of 2017, the QAB works closely with Colleges, Schools, Directorates and Institutes as well as academic and administrative Departments to have the prescribed Quality Assurance Implementation Committees functional to be able to feed into the Quality Assurance Board, which in turn recommends issues to relevant higher decision-making organs of the University.
In a nutshell, the above list summarizes the activities of the QAB in collaboration with other units. These procedures serve two major purposes: quality assurance for accountability and improvement purposes. Quality procedures for accounatbility purposes are based on criteria set down by external authorities and institutions such as the TCU, the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) with the aim of strengthening external insights and control, with the possibility of undertaking external corrective action, if necessary. On the other hand, quality assurance for improvement purposes, which the QAB is mainly focusing on improving quality by creating a quality culture and internal systems to achieve our vision, mission and strategic objectives in an orderly and systematic manner. Generally, quality assurance must promote self-regulatory capacities rather than adherence to a culture of compliance.