Higher education institutions are currently intensely competing among themselves at national, regional and global levels. Hence, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) as an institution seeking to claim her position in the global, regional and national higher learning institutions, must pay due attention to quality as the natural way to go. The increased competition also dictates that quality be embedded in all aspects of the teaching, learning, research, outreach and living environments.
History has demonstrated that education and in particular, tertiary education is a key player in a nations’ destiny. It is in recognition of this fact that the Tanzania’s Vision 2025 recognizes the role of quality education in enabling the country achieve her development goals. In this regard, SUA, as a public University mandated to provide training, research, outreach and services in agriculture and allied sciences has a critical role to play in ensuring that the country realizes its development goals. SUA commitment to promote development is mirrored in its mission, which is to “Promote development through training, research, and delivery of services” with a vision “To be a leading University in the provision of quality knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied sciences”. It is imperative therefore, that SUA defines the path to follow in order to arrive at the desired destination as per its Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) 2016-2021.
In order to ensure that SUA claims her position in the global, national and local academic arena through provision of quality services, the University Council at its 107th meeting held on the 18th December 2009 approved the establishment of the Quality Assurance and Promotion Bureau (QAPB). Besides, the University Council at its 120th meeting held on 30th June 2011 approved the Quality Assurance and Promotion Policy (QAPP). The approval marked an important landmark demonstrating the resolve of SUA to pay due attention to quality based on recognized standards for both academic and non-academic conduct of the Universities’ activities.
With determination, the implementation of the Quality Assurance Policy shall provide for systems that ensure quality teaching, learning, research and outreach activities as well as services at levels that are comparable and competitive at the national, regional and international levels.
Prof. Raphael T. Chibunda
Vice Chancellor
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro